Sunday, November 12, 2006

Last week of these Treatments

Howdy everyone-

There isn't much to update you on folks. However, it is good to let you all know that the radiation and chemo treatments are wrapping up. Last week was the last full week of these treatments.

Let's talk chemo first: Last night was the 42nd and final night of taking the chemo. That went like every other night. The chemo dosage for this 42 day treatment cycle is apparently pretty low. Probably why it wasn't making me sick for the last month and a half. I will likely have some higher dosage chemo in cycles down the we'll see about that.

Now radiation: Not quite done with the radiation yet, but this Wednesday will be the 33rd and last radiation treatment. Radiation has been going ok as well, but I was tired on a couple nights last week. During the day though, I have been feeling pretty well. The radiation oncologist told me that it was completely normal to start getting tired at this point, and that b/c the treatments were cumulative, the fatigue may even last for several weeks after the treatments were finished.

Much love,

Today (Sunday) we attended a full day Brain Tumor Foundation Awareness Day. Much thanks to Ivana for watching our kids ALL day! There were lots of positive things that happened for all of us (Scott, Ben, Jan and I) and some hard things to hear too. We met some people who are in very similar positions as we are which is very comforting, especially for me. We also learned about lots of new and progressive clinical trials going on to help fight malignant brain tumors; Scott doesn't need these now but may down the road sometime so it's good to stay informed. Ben, Jan and I also got Free MRI brain scans. Part of the day focused on the benefits of early detection with brain tumors. Usually by the time someone feels symptoms of the tumor, it has already progressed pretty far; therefore there are many doctors that believe in using MRI detection to catch tumors before they present symptoms (similar to preventing colon or breast cancer). We should get our results sometime in the next couple of weeks. I recommend this to everyone out there, even if costs some money to get one.

Scott is an amazing person, as you all know. He is fighting this with so much positive energy, he is an inspiration to me and to everyone surviving cancer.

Thanks for all your supportive words on the blog. I'm addicted to my computer and enjoy reading everyone's comments and prayers.


1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:56 AM

    Hi Scott and Julie,

    Vicki’s husband Dave here; been thinking about you. Hope things are well. When I heard the news I thought of my Father and some stuff he went through. I learned a lot from his experience and use some of it today in terms of overcoming and coping with the stresses and other negatives we may encounter. I know we don’t know each other that well but I like you guys and of course like all your friends wish to help. One thing I found that helps is laughter. I know that sounds cliché, but wait, there’s more. I found that laughter truly can take on a whole new meaning almost medicinal like.

    I read this article years ago about laugh therapy; there has even been laughter clubs formed (now that’s funny). Here are some interesting tidbits: children laugh up to 300 or 400 times a day, while adults only laugh 15 times a day. Recent studies have also shown that laughter can strengthen the immune system, reduce depression, improve self-confidence and even fend off heart attacks and strokes. I did a Google search on this and it turns out the founder of this particular movement Dr. Kateria has a club in Warren, NJ (the only one in NJ).

    A dozen more laughs a day keeps the doctor away, and an apple don’t hurt either.
    Dave Withington
