Thursday, June 09, 2016

Scott is now at Peace

He left our world peacefully this morning and was surrounded by the love of his family. I'm sure he feels free and is talking up a storm to all those who greeted him on his journey Home to Heaven.

Details about the visitation, funeral and celebration will be posted later today.


  1. A wonderfully kind spirited man. Always with a smile. He will be missed!! Love you Jan.

  2. Such sad news, the Big Fella will be missed. My deepest condolences to your family.

    You're a good man Scott Spoerl...

    Jeff Giambrone

  3. Billie D3:38 PM

    Love you to the heavens and back Scottie. You were a blessed man to have such a beautiful family and wife. We were blessed to know you.

  4. Renato Mazzotini3:50 PM

    Next to our father, look for us! �� Thank you friend....

    An exceptional fighter

    Renato Mazzotini |<0>|

    1. Anonymous4:10 PM

      The picture at the top of the page says it all. His smile was emblematic of his warmth and openness. Julie, no words can adequately capture the Spoerl family's courage during this 10 year battle. May his memory be for a blessing. Bill Nossen

  5. So sorry for your families loss. Scott was a light to all who came into contact with him. He will be missed. Steven Margolis

  6. Our hearts are aching over your loss. We were truly blessed to know him.

  7. So very sad to hear this news. I knew Scott when he was very young and living in Cedar Rapids. My prayers go out to his wife and family. God be with you all.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Just learning about Scott's death today. I am deeply saddened by this news. Holding all of Scott's family in my thoughts and prayers as I take in this reality. Chris Leslie

  10. Anne Beaurline Edwards6:06 PM

    My condolences....Godspeed Scott

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. What a brave soul! What an amazing family. The strength and love that you all exhibited is unfaltering. My thoughts, prayers and love goes out to the Spoerl family.

  13. I am so sad to hear this news. It was a pleasure knowing Scott back in High School. He was such a wonderful person. His love and kindness will live on in his beautiful family. -Jennifer Wetherbee

  14. Such sad news, but now at peace. I only met Scott once, during Pelican training in the US, but remember his smile. Karen Stigter (Unilever, SEAC)

  15. I am so sorry to hear this. What a beautiful family you all are together. You are all in our thoughts and prayers. - The Falk Family

  16. i am so sorry for your loss. Having lost my husband to cancer I 2008 I know how much love strength and support you needed over the last 10 years. He is at peace and may peace and love follow you and your family always, Best personal regards, Lorraine Torralva (Member GRC Church)

  17. I am so truly sorry for your loss. Scott was, and will continue to be, such an inspiration to so many people. May he rest easy and rest in peace. My thoughts and prayers are with the entire Spoerl family during this difficult time. ❤️

  18. Julie, I'm so sorry for your loss. I didn't know your husband but I heard, from the numerous people in our town, that he was a beautiful soul. Please know that his soul will remain around you always and I hope that you can find peace in that. My prayers are with you and your family. Rose Wippich

  19. Dear Julie, Johan notified us about Scott's passing. A marvelous man, a great father and husband,and a great friend. We will long remember the fun times we had together at Johan and Jen's pool, in Vermont and at your house. He will be very much missed.

  20. Dear Julie-

    I worked with Scott at Unilever. I am so sad for all of you. He was one of a kind...truly a special human being! May you and your children find comfort in your memories and knowing that Scott is resting in peace. My deepest sympathy- Eric Ostern

  21. Anonymous6:43 PM

    My deepest sympathies to Scott's family. I am so sorry to hear this. i knew Scott in High School. He was a kind and gentle soul, with an easy wonderful smile. I am sorry that I didn't know this blog existed before now. I did look back some and I am in awe of Scott's strength in his fight and his family's devotion and courage. So many prayers for peace for your family. With sympathy, Jen (Madden) Williams
