Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Humbled and Grateful at the Holidays

So I've been struggling with how to thank everyone who has been so giving over the past month or so.  Here is my best attempt to express how thankful and grateful for all of you and all that has been done for us this holiday season, although words do not seem sufficient.  The shear number of people who have given to us has been overwhelming to say the least.  We feel loved, supported, blessed, and so lucky to have such an amazing group of people in our lives, both near and far.

Thank you to:

  • The Heartworks Foundation who made Christmas this year truly magical.  Santa arrived Christmas Eve and words couldn't possible suffice in thanking this organization for all that they did for us this holiday season.
  • Our friends from Basking Ridge and Oak Street School who cooked and provided breakfast,  hors d'oeuvres, dinner, cookies, fudge, snacks and more for Christmas day.  You brought tears to my eyes and I have thought about each of you all week as we have enjoyed your treats with your personalized notes.
  • Salt Brook School staff --- your support is appreciated more than you know. Your gift cards provided meals for all our November/December hospital stays in the city for Scott's mom and I, paid for our city gas and parking and more.  Thank you.
  • Unilever peeps - Ben and Jerry's gift cards, our beautiful wreath, lots of thoughtful gifts, regular cards, and most of all, your visits to Scott at home.
  • The Brooke Healey Foundation for the personalized Hawkeye basket....we will continue to enjoy this as we cheer on our beloved team during the Rose Bowl on New Year's Day -- using the table cloth, cups, and more wings! 
  • The many, many deliveries of food, gift cards, dinners, flowers, and treats from family members, old friends, new friends, neighbors, church friends, and bunko ladies!  My grocery bills have gone down, I have a plethora of places in which to get take out and there are always treats to be found in my home!
  • Our regular help from our friends with our kids...rides to school, rides to sporting events, and unplanned last minute social events when Scott is in the hospital unexpectedly.  What would we do without you?  You know who you are!
  • Lastly, thank you for all your prayers and thoughts for Scott as he battles brain cancer.  This helps us to keep fighting and never give up. 
Our New Year's Resolution this year is to Pay it Forward.  We have been so blessed to have been the recipients of all this love and support and now we are hoping that life will provide some days of normalcy as the new year approaches.  I've have linked, below, to the organizations that hold a dear place in our heart.  Our first step in paying it forward is to ask you to keep these organizations in mind as you make charitable donations at the end of this fiscal year and throughout future years.  

The Brooke Healey Foundation:

Happy New Year!

Julie, Scott, Paige and JJ

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