Wednesday, April 27, 2016


When I sit down to write a new blog post, the first thing I do is read the last post to remember where I last left my readers.  I was surprised to see how much as changed in the little time that has passed, once again.  This feels a little frightening.  We have added a hospital bed to the list of items that Hospice has provided for Scott.  This is located in our "fireplace room" and has recently become Scott's room.  It is very cozy area with lots of room for the rest of us to join him when he wakes up in the morning or gets ready for nap or bed at night.  This room is downstairs in our split level but we can still wheel him upstairs to the main floor, we just have to go outside and up the front ramp to do it.  Luckily it is spring and the weather is warmer so this hasn't been an issue.

Scott still gets joy out of little things each day -- watching the birds at the feeder, hearing about Paige and JJ's days at school, feeling the warm sun on his face, eating a good meal, visiting with a friend, or just enjoying quiet time taking deep breaths.    Some of his old college friends have sent me letters in which they reminisce about favorite times with Scott or things they want him to know - I have been reading these to Scott at night before bed and it is also something that has brought a smile to his face.

Let's all try to find 'joy' in each day... no matter how small...if Scott can, anyone can.


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